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Trofæprisliste - Kronhjortejagt i Legnica, Zlotoryja og Zmigrod - Polen

Trophy Price List

On the price list hunt all game shot will be settled according to the following price-list:
Red stag:
Spiker              $ 633,00
Up to 2000 g    $ 633,00
2001-2499 g    $ 1.116,00
2500-2999 g    $ 1.450,00
3000-3499 g    $ 1.645,00
3500-3999 g    $ 1.984,00
4000-4499 g    $ 2.081,00
4500-4999 g    $ 2.174,00
5000-5999 g    $ 2.271,00 + $ 4,84 per 10 g over 5000 g
6000-6999 g    $ 2.755,00 + $ 9,75 per 10 g over 6000 g
7000-7999 g    $ 3.730,00 + $ 15,55 per 10 g over 7000 g
From 8000 g    $ 5.285,00 + $ 22,70 per 10 g over 8000 g
Wounding        $ 1.220,00
Deer and calf   $    100,00

It will also be possible to shoot wild boars according to the following price list:
Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm                             $ 805,00
160 mm – 199 mm                             $ 898,00
+ $ 23,85 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above                           $ 1.610,00
+ $ 28,40 pr. mm over 201 mm

Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg                                    $ 135,00
30-49,99 kg                                        $ 265,00
Yearlings, keilers, sows
50-79,99 kg                                        $ 520,00
From 80 kg                                         $ 565,00
Wounding of piglets,
young boars, keiler and sows                $ 175,00


The following discount is available for wild boars:
50% discount on all boars up to 13,9 cm tusks
25% discount on keilers from 14 cm tusks and above



Price pr. 15/1-2024

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